Chapter 8 – Incendiary – Fire Elemental Series

chapter 8 fire elementals joquena wattpad fantasy stories

Amber couldn’t help herself when the prince entered the carriage; she stood up and threw herself into his arms for a hug and almost knocked him back onto the ground in the process.

                “Did you miss me?” he asked with a sly grin.

                “Oh yes!  I find that I just can’t bare it when you’re away from me.”

“I know darling.  Don’t worry, we’ll be married soon and then you can have me all to yourself.”

Amber stared out the window and hung on Alexander’s every word as he pointed out various landmarks as they rolled by.  It was a beautiful kingdom with everything in miniature.  Little houses had been built into the bases of trees and even dug into the dirt of the hillside.

All of the homes were perfectly maintained, and whenever they drove by fairies rushed out to wave.  Amber gave a start of surprise when she looked up and saw fairies flying high up in the trees, and she held her breath when the ants began to climb a pathway that had been carved into the side of the tree.  She clung tight to Alexander’s hand as they climbed higher and higher up.

She turned her face into Alexander’s shoulder, unable to look anymore.  She was beginning to process the fact that their destination was at the very top of the giant tree.  There were pink flower blossoms everywhere and they filled the air with an intoxicating perfume.  The castle was located at the center of the tree and it rose several stories in the air.

It was made of stone and Amber could only imagine how long it must have taken to carry up all of the materials.  Ambers eyes widened as she realized several of the stones were made of precious gems and they sparkled so brightly that the whole castle appeared to be covered in stars.

“Most of us just fly up because it’s faster,” Alexander whispered softly in her ear.

“It must be wonderful to have wings,” Amber said reaching out a hand to caress one of his.  They were white rimmed in gold with little iridescent bits scattered throughout.  She was filled with longing and more than a little self-loathing.

“I don’t know how you can even love me.  I feel so ugly without wings.”

“You’re not ugly, you’re beautiful.  And I’ll kill anyone who says otherwise.”

They had arrived at the palace gates and as they crossed the bridge the gates swung open, beckoning them inside.  Apparently the fairy folk didn’t feel that the cherry blossoms were enough because there were even more flowers planted in pots and trimmed neatly in vases.  And all of the bright colors melded together into something that could only be described as picturesque.

Even boring and functional items like carts and wagons had been painted and embellished with bright gaudy colors.  Nothing she’d ever seen before had even remotely compared with the magnificence of the fairy kingdom.

The carriage continued all the way up to the front door of the castle and Amber stood nervously squeezing onto Alexander’s hand when a fairy in bright livery opened the door to the carriage and held out his hand to assist her.  Amber tugged self-consciously at her makeshift clothing and then stood up straight trying to appear confident and make a good impression with her future subjects.

“Are you ready to meet my parents?”

“Like this?”  Amber pointed again to what she was wearing and wondered what was keeping her fairy godmother so busy that she couldn’t help out with something so important.

“They’re going to love you no matter what,” Alexander said reassuringly and put a hand on her back to gently propel her forward.

Amber took a deep breath and followed him inside.  Her eyes grew wide as she saw the inside of the castle.  In comparison to the opulence of the interior of the palace the exterior was downright plain.  Brightly embroidered tapestries and lush silks covered the walls and the marble floors were spread with finely crafted rugs.  Ornately carved tables were spread about every few feet and covered with lovely vases of fresh cut flowers.

Alexander began to lead her down a wide hallway where every inch of wall space was covered with large oil paintings depicting generations of leaders of the royal family.  Amber’s eyes strained as she searched for a photo of Alexander and she wasn’t disappointed when he paused at the end of the hallway showing a display of the current members of the royal family.  In the painting Alexander was wearing formal clothing and he looked majestic as he posed with one hand braced on the hilt of his sword.

Amber couldn’t believe her good fortune, to spend a life in such decadent surroundings married to the most powerful, not to mention attractive, fairy in the kingdom.  She couldn’t think of anything else that would make her happier.  When she tried to remember what her life had been before she met Alexander her memory was hazy, almost as if there were a wall obscuring her access to the past.

She shook her head to clear away the confusion and stopped trying to think and just lived in the moment.  Alexander had paused outside of a large set of double doors and he gave her a reassuring smile as their presence was formally announced and then she took his arm as he led her into the royal throne room.

Giant stained glass windows spread rainbows onto the white marble floors.  There was a narrow scarlet rug leading all the way up to a raised platform.  Set on the platform were four regal thrones, only two of which were occupied.  Amber wanted to dig in her heels and run but she followed dutifully, placing one foot in front of the next, pausing before the King and Queen and lowering her head as she dropped into a curtsy.

“Mother.  Father.  I have an announcement to make.” Alexander smiled and wrapped an arm around Amber’s shoulder.


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